Wednesday, August 02, 2006

WOW! So this is how a blog works

OK, so this is my first post to my very own blog! Hmmm... what to write??? Well I'll start at the beginning. We made a "tree change" to the gorgeous Barossa Valley in South Australia in Jan 06.
The property is a little over an acre, with views accross farm land with large gum trees and granite boulders - plus the sheep. I've spent a lot of time setting up my first web-site on Organic Gardening. I've also written an e-book on Companion Planting (a must for all organic gardeners). I'm now writing organic gardening articles for various article directories, which you'll find on this blog once I work out how to do it!
The property has a transportable house on it which I am re-decorating (the previous owners were a bit slap-dash with the paint brush). It's coming along quite nicely.
I've made a space for my new veggie garden to go. It's north facing (perfect in the Southern Hemisphere), has wind protection and is close to water. I've formed in my mind how I want it set out, so now I need to pace it out and put it on paper to fill in the details. I have some ingredients ready to go for my compost heap. We have a few chooks which free-range the property at the moment, but I really need to build a chook house before the garden gets going, or they'll get more to eat than we will. Have to get going with it soon as it's August already!
I'm flying to Melbourne on Friday for an Internet Marketing conference. I'm very excited about it. I'm sure I'll get some great new ideas for my site.


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