Thursday, August 24, 2006

Internet Marketing - Dream Life 2006

Lots of other things are happening here now. I've been busy painting rooms; negotiating with the local council about sub-division; moving soil - the hard way, with a shovel and wheel-barrow (lucky I'm a strong chick!).
So I attended Dream Life 2006.
The ideas I came back with from the internet marketing event that I attended in Melbourne a few weeks ago has kept me busy with lots of research, checking out various options to go further into - very interesting. The guys who ran the event are from the World Internet Summit team. They have regular events around the world. I have been to several and am gob-smacked with the amount of information and ideas they introduce. You can take a look here and see for yourself! I met some great people at the event (potential Joint Venture partners).
I have a bedroom to do a second coat of paint on now - but I promise to write more soon.


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