Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Building our Chook Shed

We spend some of the weekend building a new home for our three girls. As you can tell by the pic.... it's not quite finished yet. But the basics are done. I dug the holes while several people relieved a few frustrations demolishing an old shed that we're recycling the materials from. The posts have been cemented in after making sure the structure was square.
It looks a bit rough, but I'm sure the chooks won't mind - especially when I surprise them with a new rooster! It measures 4m x 3m, so is a good size for my girls. It will have a section for roosting, elevated laying boxes and rain-water collected from the roof to provide them with clean, fresh water. I haven't decided whether to cement the floor or to bury wire around the perimeter to keep the foxes out.
The walls will be iron, apart from the front (north facing) which will be chicken wire - to let in the winter sun and allow fresh air. The orchard is the other side of the main shed, so the girls will still have lots of area to scratch around in, keeping the insect populations down. There'll be more pics when I've done more work!


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